Someone Like You / RR:Suche


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Klaviernoten SOMEONE LIKE YOU von ADELE?

Hat jemand zufällig die Noten von "Someone like you" von Adele und könnte sie mir per E-mail schicken oder weiß jemand wo ich kostenlos Klaviernoten herunterladen kann? Wär super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte
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Adele "Someone Like You" Sheet Music - Download & Print
jap, ist zwar aufwendiger aber ich versuchs auf jeden fall mal,

Genauer Songtext Adele - Someone like you

Ich habe mir im Internet schon mehrmals die Lyrics/Songtext von Someone like you angeschaut, aber bei einer Stelle stand immer was anderes. Es heißt ja nach dem Refrain: 'Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.', aber bei manchen Texten stand 'Sometimes it lasts and loves but sometimes it hurts instead.' Beides wäre ja logisch und auch passend, aber ich würde dennoch wissen, was Adele da genau singt. Manchmal steht der Text ja in dem CD-Heft drin oder weiß es einer genau?

Interpretation von "Someone like you" - Adele

Hallo, habe neulich beim Suchen nach Lyrics bei "Someone like you" die Zeile im Refrain gefunden: "Never mind, I'll find someone like you". Jetzt stelle ich mir die Frage, wie das mit dem "Never mind." gemeint ist.
Mit meinem Anfängerenglisch würde ich "Never mind" mit "egal, macht nichts, mach dir keine Gedanken" oder Ähnlichem übersetzen. Wenn dies so gemeint ist, was will Adele dann damit aussagen? Denn "Ach egal, ich werde jemanden wie dich finden" ist in meinen Augen in einer Situation, in der man die große Liebe verloren hat, kein normaler Satz.
Meine Mutmaßungen mögen zwar etwas arg wage sein, aber ich kann diese Textzeile einfach nicht ganz verstehen.
Über Eure Anmerkungen, Gedanken, Interpretationsansätze und Hilfe würde ich mich freuen.
Kann mir jemand den Spruch, "I like you a lottle. It's like a little, expect a lot.", erklären?
Bei lottle hilft das Urban Dictionary . Außerdem muss es except heißen.
Urban Dictionary: Lottle
Merk Dir mal das Urban Dictionary für umgangssprachliche Phrasen. 
Ein etwas müdes Wortspiel - siehe urban dictionary.
Die Erklärung steckt schon in deiner Frage. 
, earnest
Das expect macht keinen Sinn, kann es sein dass es except heißt? Dann bedeutet a lottle, dann man sehr gemocht wird.
Written Discussion "Would you like to live in Mumbai". Könnte mir jmand die Discussion verbessern?
Könntet ihr den Text verbessern?. Ich shreib morgen ne Arbeit und ich find den nicht so gut und würde mich auf ein Feedback freuen.
*Today I am writing about the question „would you like to live in Mumbai?”. I think it´s a good question, because there a many Arguments for and against.
My first Argument for living in Mumbai is, that if you speak English, you can manage everything in the city. It is not necessary to speak the regional language. For example, …. Second argument is that India is one of few countries, where even people can have a maid or a chauffeur. You are able to afford them. In addition you can send your child to school. Because there are German, American and English schools. Another Argument for is that Mumbai is a city for shopaholics. There are designer closets much cheaper than in Germany. The qualities from the Materials are good. Tough the crime rate is high, so you can robbed in the city. The city has good transport options, for instance local trains, metro, monorail and public transport buses. No other city can sustain this much population and traffic. Nevertheless is there the rush hour. The Streets are crowded and it tooks a long time to come to the destination. My last argument is that the food in Mumbai is very delicious. You can eat in small restaurants, on the street or in very good restaurants to try out different cuisines. However you have to pay attention with food.
To sum up, the people in the city are very friendly and they will help you every time, when you need. I think I would like to live in Mumbai It´s a fascinating city with colorful festivals. *
Today I am writing about the question „would you like to live in Mumbai?”. I think it´s a good question because there a many Arguments for and against.
My first Argument for living in Mumbai is that if you speak English, you can manage everything in the city. It is not necessary to speak the regional language. For example, ….
Second argument is that India is one of few countries, where even people can have a maid or a chauffeur. You are able to afford them. In addition you can send your child to school. Because there are German, American and English schools. - Another Argument for  is that Mumbai is a city for shopaholics. There are designer closets much cheaper than in Germany. The qualities from the Materials are good.Tough the crime rate is high, so you can robbed in the city. -
The city has good transport options, for instance local trains, metro, monorail and public transport buses. No other city can sustain this much population and traffic.Nevertheless  is there the rush hour. The Streets are crowded and it tooks a long time to come to the destination.
My last argument is that the food in Mumbai is very delicious. You can eat in small restaurants, on the street or in very good restaurants to try out different cuisines. However you have to pay attention with food.
To sum up, the people in the city are very friendly and they will help you every time, when you need. I think I would like to live in Mumbai It´s a fascinating city with colorful festivals.
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