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Eminem - When i'm Gone

Worüber rappt er da? Ich kann leider nicht so gut Englisch aber er rappt da soweit ich das verstehe über Familien Probleme, Schmerzen etc oder ist das falsch?
Er rappt darüber, wie er mit seiner Musik seiner Familie den Rücken kehrt, wie die Musik zu seinem Leben wird und seine Fans seine Familie bestehend aus Kim und Hailie in den Schatten stellt. In dem Song rappt er darüber, wie er die ganze Zeit sich seinem Hobby/Beruf hingegeben hat und damit seine Familie im Stich gelassen hat. Er erwähnt öfters Konversationen zwischen sich und Hailie, wie sie sehr traurig darüber ist, dass er sie die ganze Zeit verlässt und sie anlügt. Schau doch einfach mal nach einer Übersetzung, wenn du es ganz genau haben willst
Übersetzung Eminem - When I'm Gone Songtext, Lyrics auf Deutsch |
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Ist zwar auf englisch aber glaub mir es ist immer noch besser als eine einfache Übersetzung. Unbekannte wörter einfach nachgoogle und wirst alles verstehen
Eminem – When I'm Gone Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Mündliche Englische Prüfung! About me Hilfe

Hallo, und zwar muss ich 5 Minuten über ein Thema auf Englisch reden. Ich möchte gerne über mich und meine Familie reden, aber ich weiß nicht was ich dazu alles sagen muss. Könnt ihr mir vielleicht stichwortartig sagen was nach der reihe erwähnt werden muss, ohne das es aus der reihe fällt? nicht das zum beispiel meine Hobbys als letztes kommen._. Mit Übersetzten hab ich keine Problem, ich weiß nur nicht wie ich die Reihenfolge machen muss. Ich bin in der 9. Klasse , falls das einen interessiert
Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen
Name, Alter, Junge/Mädchen, Familie/Geschwister, Geburtsort, Schule, Lieblingsfächer, Hobbys.
Viel Spaß!
  • Alter, Größe, Haar- und Augenfarbe, Stärken und Schwächen
  • Familie: Mutter, Vater, Geschwister, Alter, Berufe usw.
  • Wohnung/Haus/dein Zimmer
  • Hobbies
  • Vereine
  • Lieblings- buch, film, autor, schauspieler/in, farbe, essen, stadt, land, usw.
  • Schule: Mitschüler, Lehrer, Lieblingsfächer, Stundenplan, Schulweg, usw.
  • Freunde
  • Zukunft: Ausbildung, Beruf, Familie, Kinder, Wohnung/Haus, Auto usw.
  • bester/schlimmster Urlaub
  • schönstes/schrecklichstes Geschenk
  • schönstes/schlimmstes Erlebnis
  • Wenn ich Millionär wäre,
  • Wenn ich Bundeskanzler wäre, usw.
Viel Glück und Erfolg für die Prüfung!
Die selbe Reihenfolge bei jedem Familienmitglied ich würde es so machen: 1.Name 2.Alter 3.Geschwister falls vorhanden 4.Hobbys 5.evtl.Lieblingsurlaubsziele 6.Lieblingsfilme 7.Lieblingsfächer 8.Lieblingstier die letzten Sachen kannst du natürlich nicht mehr bei allen Familienmitgliedern verwenden.Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.

EnglischMündlichPrüfung "about me" ist das so okay?

Habe demnächst prüfung und wollte wissen ob dieser text okay ist bzw. bei grammatikfehler ob ihr mir das verbessern könntet habe mir echt mühe geben :
About me i can say a bit : I have dark blond hairs and green/blue eyes. I'm about 1,88 tall and i will grow a bit. My shoe size is 56/57 which is quite large for a 14 yeahrs oldboy I think. My favorite food is pizza , Döner and Zaziki. And I like listen music. I play football since about i was 7 or 8 years old. Now I play football in SG stuttgart it's not the bigest club but its really nice here. It makes me right Fun. When i haven't football training I'm at home and play with my Ps3. And if it summer I'm in Outdoor swimming pool i'ts very refreshing and evening one is beautiful brown.
At school i thinke I'm okay. In english I'm not so good but in maths and german i think i'm good. In our class its terrible to learn, but is the teacher load is is very quietly there. I will good speaking english but it's difficult i think.
I like to be a Bauarbeiter, because it's exhausting but it makes fun and it payed well. This a good job with good rise opportunities.
I hope that i get a big car , a big house and a beautiful girlfriend. After school i will learning perfect englisch beaucse, i will sometimes live in spain or in america and there also works. I Hope does it works.
du hast ja wirklich einige fehler da drin. O:
I'm about 1,88 tall and i will grow a bit wäre besser I'm about 1,88m tall but i think i will still grow a little bit.
And I like listen music --> I like listening to music like rock or indie
I play football since about i was 7 or 8 years old. --> I play football(wenn du american football spielst, sonst "soccer") since i was about 7 or 8 years old.
It makes me right Fun. --> It's a great fun for me.
At school i thinke I'm okay. In english I'm not so good but in maths and german i think i'm good. In our class its terrible to learn, but is the teacher load is is very quietly there. I will good speaking english but it's difficult i think. --> My performances at school are okay i think. I'm not so good at English but at Maths and German my marks aren't bad. It's terrible to learn in our class because if the teacher is loaded it is very quite there. I want to speak English very well but it's difficult i think.
I hope that i get a big car , a big house and a beautiful girlfriend. After school i will learning perfect englisch beaucse, i will sometimes live in spain or in america and there also works. I Hope does it works. --> I hope that i will get a big car, a big house and a beautiful girlfriend when i'm grown up. After school i will learn English perfectly because i will go to many different countries like spain or america and also work there.
aber warum willst du eigentlich erst nach der schule richtig englisch lernen?^^
An alle die mir geholfen haben hab eine 2,4 bekommen : sehr schlimm oder das ich in englisch nicht so gut bin ich glaub keiner ist in allen fächern gut , kommt doch auch immer auf die schule und lehrer drauf an also halt dein mund und spiel dich nicht so auf.
I like listening to music heißt das./ not the biggest./if it's./it makes me right fun - klingt nicht sehr richtig./thinke ohne e./dann heißt es nicht "but is the teacher load is it very wuietly here" sondern "but if the teacher is loud it is very quietly here"./"i will good speaking english" - will-zukunft und present progressive geht zusammen net./i hope that i will get a big car./ after school i am going to learn perfect english because i am sometimes going to live in spain or in america./ i hope does it works. - satzstellung einer frage ein punkt.?
Wie findet ihr den About me Text?
Hello my name is Musterman and I want to tell you something about me. I'm 14 years old. I was born on the tweenty three July 2001. I can speak German, Turkish, French and English. I live with my mum, my aunt and my little brother. My mothers name is Musterfrau. She works as a beautician. My aunts Name is Musterfrau she works as a hairdresser. She has her own hairdressing salon. My little brother is ten years old. He goes to the Thiebaubtschool. He is in grade 4. This is his last year. My family has different hobbies. My little brother loves biking and playing football. My mother loves to read books. My aunt loves listening to music. She loves music. I'm a student at the Schillerschool and I'm in grade 9. My Family and I live in a flat in Ettlingen. The flat has three rooms. I share my room with my little brother. We have one Balcony and we live near a footballpitch. I'm very happy about it because I love to play football. My Hobbies are playing Football and Basketball, go to the gym, an play Computergames. I can play drums and I love to read books abou fantasy and horror. My favorite books are Hunger games, Fear Street and Harry Potter. My favorite Film is Forrest Gump because its a nice film. My favorite author is Joanna K. Rowling, because she writes nice books and never gives up. She always says: poor or rich everybody has a Chance! Joanna was born in Yate. She studied French in the University of Exter. Then she worked as a Teacher in Wales. She doesn't earn much money. Then she had an idea, it was the book Harry Potter. She became famous and is one of the richest Woman worldwide. My favorite Colour is yellow because its a wonderful and luminous colour. I love listen to good music. I like listen to Justin Bieber and Selena G. If i were a millionaire, I would donate my money to poor people. I would travel to them and give them a laugt. I dont have a pet. I would like a dog but my mother says we would not care about him. My favorite food is Pizza. It just tastes good. My dream job is to be a policeman. I like jobs that are rich adventure. !
my name is Musterman and I want to tell you something about me . I'm 14 years old. I was born on the twenty-third of July 2001 . I can
speak German, Turkish, French and English. I live together with my mum,
my aunt and my little brother. My mothers (Grammatik, RS) name is Musterfrau. She works as a beautician. My aunt, Musterfrau, works as a hairdresser. She owns
her own hairdressing salon. My little brother is ten years old. He goes
to the Thiebaubtschool . He is in fourth grade. This is his last year on   primary school. My family members have different hobbies. My little
brother loves biking and playing football. My mother likes to read
books. My aunt is a big fan of music and often listens to it. I'm a
student at a ninth grade class at the Schillerschool . My Family and I live in a flat in Ettlingen. The flat has three rooms. I share my room
with my little brother. We have a Balcony and we live near a
footballpitch . I'm very happy about this because so i always can practice my favorite  activity, playing football. My other hobbies are playing Basketball , going to the gym, an  playing computer games. I can also play  drums and I am fond of reading fantasy and horror books. My favorite books are The Hunger games, Fear Street and Harry Potter. My favorite movie is Forrest Gump. Joanne K. Rowling is my favorite author because she writes great books and never gives up. She always says:
Poor or rich, everybody has a chance!" Joanne was born in Yate. She
studied French in  the University of Exter. Later she worked as a Teacher in Wales. She doesn't earned (Grammatik; Zeit) much money. Then she had an idea, it was the book Harry Potter. She became famous and now is one of the richest women in the world. Her story is very inspiring for me. My favorite
color is yellow because its (Grammatik; RS) a wonderful and luminous colour. I love listen to good music. I like listen to Justin Bieber and Selena G. If i were a millionaire, I would donate my money to poor people. I would travel to them and give them a laugh.  Sadly I don't have a pet. I would
like to own a dog but my mother says nobody would care about him . My favorite food is pizza. It just tastes good. My dream job is to be a policeman. I like adventurous jobs without boredom.
Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.
Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes Wörterbuch, z.B., für die Grammatik und - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!.
Hello my name is Musterman and I want to tell you something about me. I'm 14 years old. I was born on the twenty third of July 2001. I can speak German, Turkish, French and English. I live together with my mum, my aunt and my little brother. My mothers name is Musterfrau. She works as a beautician. My aunt, Musterfrau, works as a hairdresser. She owns her own hairdressing salon. My little brother is ten years old. He goes to the Thiebaubtschool. He is in fourth grade. This is his last year on the primary school. My family members have different hobbies. My little brother loves biking and playing football. My mother likes to read books. My aunt is a big fan of music and often listens to it. I'm a student at a ninth grade class at the Schillerschool. My Family and I live in a flat in Ettlingen. The flat has three rooms. I share my room with my little brother. We have a Balconyand we live near a footballpitch. I'm very happy about this because so i always can practice my favorite activity, playing football. My other hobbies are playing Basketball, going to the gym, an playing computer games. I can also play drums and I am fond of reading fantasy and horror books. My favorite books are The Hunger games, Fear Street and Harry Potter. My favorite movie is Forrest Gump. Joanne K. Rowling is my favorite author, because she writes great books and never gives up. She always says: Poor or rich, everybody has a chance!" Joanne was born in Yate. She studied French in the University of Exter. Later she worked as a Teacher in Wales. She doesn't earned much money. Then she had an idea, it was the book Harry Potter. She became famous and now is one of the richest women in the world. Her story is very inspiring for me. My favorite color is yellow, in my opinion it's  wonderful and luminous. I love to listen to good music, for example Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez. If i were a millionaire, I would donate my money to poor people. I would travel to them and give them a laugh. Sadly I don't have a pet. I would like to own a dog but my mother says nobody would care about him. My favorite food is pizza. It just tastes good. My dream job is to be a policeman. I like adventurous jobs without boredom.

So müsste es ganz gut sein ^-^'
I was born at the twenty third of july in 2001.
I'm able to speak German.
This is  his last year at elementary school
The members of my family have different hobbies
Im a student at Schillerschool
My hobbies are. going to the gym and playing computergames
Joanne K. Rowling
one of the richest women worldwide
I would travel to their countries and give them a laught
I don't have any pets.
I would like to have a dog but my mother says that we would not care enough for it.
I like adventurous jobs
Was bedeutet "I'm begging you please
Die Bedeutung von PLEASE ist mir in diesem Zusammenhang nicht klar. "Ich flehe d an?
zum kommentar von lina: in englischen songtexten hör ich das ganz oft. zum beispiel in ILLUSION von VNV NATION, da gibt es folgende zeile:

"Please don't go, I want you to stay
I'm begging you please, please don't leave here"

mir erscheint das beinahe falsch oder eher DENGLISH.

Gemeint ist:

"Help – I am begging you, please!"
Hilf bitte; ich flehe dich an!

Words going out they're bringin you down
They've searched for a reason that's never been found
It hits like a burnout they're reaching inside
There's no where to run now there's nowhere to hide

Oh if you want it
Oh if you got it
Oh if you want it
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please

Hope is a weakness you just can't afford
They'll tear you to pieces for little or more
Just when you feel like you're out of their reach
They're standing before you
You're begging them please

Oh if you want it
Oh if you got it
Oh if you want it
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys

Cause I can't be the one to catch ypu when you fall
I can't be the one to pick up the pieces
And I won't be the one to catch you when you fall cause I I won't be the one
Cause I won't let you go

I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm begging you please I'm giving you love and a set of keys
I'm bagging you please
I give you love

Reamonn:Set Of Keys Lyrics - LyricWikia - song lyrics, music lyrics


Helft bitte; ich flehe euch an!
Helfen Sie bitte; ich flehe Sie an
hab das ehrluch gesagt noch nie so im zusammenhang gelesen.
wo hast du den satz her?

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